I really fell in love with the necklace and that got me going on the theme frenzy! I also found
Earl Grey lip balm from the same website. I thought these items would make the ideal basis for a gift.
Initially my plan was to go very vintage which would have suited Sara as she is a very cool, crafty, vintage
person. My first snag came in sourcing a suitable vintage cup and saucer. They are easy to find on eBay BUT
it really depends on budget and how many you want. I found beautiful cups and saucers in America and Canada
but postage was hugely expensive. I also found great sets but didn't want a whole dining set for one cup and
saucer. I also hit charity shops and department stores but had no luck in finding that great design that I had in my head.
So, I changed tack. I went searching for a plain cup & saucer that I could decorate. My artistic abilities stretch to
doodles and the odd flash of artistic sketching so I decided to to keep it simple. I ended up on just decorating the saucer with text.
It was around this time that I decided on what packaging to use. I have three boxes and storage bags full of gift
packaging plus I am a storage hoarder and keep a huge range of unusual boxes, tubs and anything else I think I
may get some use out of. My plan was to use a plan black gift box I had stored and use some lettered beads as
an alternative to a gift tag. My colour theme was set as black, white and pink.
Once I had bought my black and pink china pens, a plain white cup and saucer purchased and my box readied,
I was all set to finish off my gift by making a tea bag for the necklace to sit in.
My initial plan had been to pop the necklace in a yeah bag and have this sit in the cup with the lip balm acting as
a biscuit on the saucer. However, the tea bags were not big enough for the necklace so I decided to make my
own. I found a gauze-like paper in Paperchase and made a tea bag. I used a small, thin ribbon to act as the
string and then made a bag to sit the tea bag in. I stamped a simple message on the tea bag to finish off the look.
Finally I set everything in the gift box, using coordinating tissue paper to act as the protective packaging for the cup and saucer.
I had great fun putting this gift together and, although you can see it is homemade and not 100% professional, I
think the personalisation and fun shows through
i loved this present, not only for the beautiful necklace but the incredibly thoughtful way it was put together. It brought a huge smile to face and made all the more special for the funky way each element was packaged.